What can we do for you ...... Free Property Advice
/A friend of ours for over 20 years just asked Leonie and I, for some
'personal and professional' help...
She then asked, "What do you actually do for work now?"
A good question!
The simple answer:
The Property Expert International offers three unique Advisory services:
1/ We are your trusted 'Property Bodyguards'... A Vendor Advocate!...
Are you are thinking of selling your property?
We advise, protect and help you select the real estate agency, choose the right marketing campaign and negotiate the commission fees on your behalf!...
We protect and guide you every step of the way through the whole selling process from
A to Z.
All FREE of charge!... The real estate agent that you select pays us a fee from their commission.
2/ We ‘Negotiate’ the property deal that you can't!...
The most frustrating part of real estate today isn't finding the property on the Internet...for most buyers it is not being able to successfully negotiate the purchase of the property when dealing with the real estate agents!...
We have been negotiating properties for over 25 years and we know exactly how to secure the property at the right price, saving you time, money & stress!...
We 'advise and negotiate' on the properties that you select.
We negotiate prior to auction, or bid at the auction with you...whatever it is, we negotiate 24/7 until the deal is finally done!
3/ We provide personal and business ‘Mentoring and Training’ for real estate professionals and property consumers wanting to discover the 'Secrets of the Property Expert'.
We utilise our new book, ‘Secrets of the Property Expert’ in international training seminars and personal mentoring programs.
You can obtain an autographed copy via our website;
Find out how Leonie and I can assist you, financially and personally.
If you or any of your friends need any property help or advice!?...
Just call us on;